Wellcome Collection

The Wellcome Collection is another of London’s free museums. Inside, you’ll find immersive and interactive displays exploring health and human experience

Wellcome is a global charitable foundation that supports scientific research into life, health and wellbeing, with the aim to solve the urgent health challenges facing everyone. The organisation is taking on three worldwide health challenges: mental health, infectious disease and climate.

The Wellcome Collection was opened in 2017 and is another of London’s free museums. Inside, you’ll find immersive and interactive displays of the work of the charitable organisation, as well as a library. 

Permanent exhibition: Being Human. Explore what it means to be human in the 21st century. Reflect on our hopes and fears about new forms of medical knowledge, and our changing relationships with ourselves, each other and the world.

To 12 January 2025: Jason and the Adventure of 254. Challenge perceptions of disability, medicine and the human body with this colourful and interactive exhibition that turns the gallery space into a hospital ward.

Please note: the galleries are closed on Mondays. The library and café remain open daily.


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