Can carbon capture help us fight climate change? That’s the big question being asked at the free exhibition, Our Future Planet, now on at the Science Museum.
Alongside global efforts to urgently reduce greenhouse gas emissions, scientists are racing to develop different technologies to remove and store excess carbon dioxide—the most significant cause of climate change.

The exhibition showcases some of the cutting-edge technology and nature-based solutions being developed. These include preserving ancient woodlands, adding dust to agricultural fields, capturing carbon dioxide from the air or installing systems that prevent it from leaving power stations and factories. There’s even “Air Vodka” – now that’s one way to fight climate change!

How much difference could new technologies make? What can we do with the carbon dioxide after it has been captured? And why can’t we just plant more trees? Find out the answers to these questions and many more as you explore the challenges scientists face and join the debate.
Important Information
Exhibition Road, South Kensington, SW7 2DD
Term time: Wed-Sun 10am–6pm (last entry 5.15pm)
School holidays: Mon-Sun 10am-6pm (last entry 5.15pm)
Admission is free but pre-booking is required.